Climate - 9 datasets

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Climate Scorecard Data 2022 (all)

Processed and raw data for the 2022 Council Climate Scorecards

Scorecard data (by council group)

Scorecards score information with seperate tables for each council type/group

Local Authority Climate Action Plans Corpus

This includes all the documents we’ve found including Climate Action Plans, Climate strategies, pre plans etc. As well as the PDFs, or HTML pages, of the plans, this includes a CSV file (plans.csv) with details and sources for all the included files, along with information like GSS codes to enable linking to other data.

Climate Action Plans API

API to access information on the plans and climate commitments of local authorites.

UK local authority emissions data

Transformation of BEIS UK local authority subset data

Local authority climate emergency declarations

Dataset of local authority declarations of a climate emergency with key features flagged

Local authority climate plans metadata

Online location and basic description of contents of LA climate action plans

Local authority net zero commitments

Dataset of net zero promises made by local authorities, including their scope and timeline

Scotland Climate Emissions Projects

Reformatted version of data published at

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