Politician Data: Greece — Hellenic Parliament Edit
Data on the people within the Hellenic Parliament legislature of Greece.
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17th Hellenic Parliament: From 2015-09-20
16th Hellenic Parliament: 2015-01-25 to 2015-08-28
15th Hellenic Parliament: 2012-06-17 to 2014-12-31
14th Hellenic Parliament: 2012-05-06 to 2012-05-19
13th Hellenic Parliament: 2009-10-04 to 2012-04-11
12th Hellenic Parliament: 2007-09-16 to 2009-09-07
11th Hellenic Parliament: 2004-03-07 to 2007-08-18
10th Hellenic Parliament: 2000-04-09 to 2004-02-11
9th Hellenic Parliament: 1996-09-22 to 2000-03-14
8th Hellenic Parliament: 1993-10-10 to 1996-08-24
7th Hellenic Parliament: 1990-04-08 to 1993-09-11
6th Hellenic Parliament: 1989-11-05 to 1990-03-12
5th Hellenic Parliament: 1989-06-18 to 1989-10-12
4th Hellenic Parliament: 1985-06-02 to 1989-06-02
3nd Hellenic Parliament: 1981-10-18 to 1985-05-07
2nd Hellenic Parliament: 1977-11-20 to 1981-09-19
1st Hellenic Parliament: 1974-11-17 to 1977-10-22
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Category | People, Groups & Bodies |
Maintainer | EveryPolitician |
Maintainer Email | team@everypolitician.org |
Last Modified | 2019-04-08 02:48:02 +0000 |
More Information | http://docs.everypolitician.org |